On this page, you will find additional rules, protocols and policies applicable at and around our school.
Arrival & Departure
All parents, visitors and supply teachers must enter the school through the front door only at all times.
- All parents, visitors, and volunteers must sign in at the office.
- Any individual who needs to be in the hallways must pick up an identification badge to wear while in the This badge is to be returned to the office when the individual signs out.
- Parents who pick up their children on a daily basis must meet their children in the
Front Lobby
- Please be advised that for your child’s safety an adult not wearing an ID badge will be stopped by school personnel and asked to report to the office.
- Parents who must pick up children for appointments will stop at the main office and the secretary will call the child to the office.
- Parents are asked to remain in the office
Early Arrival at School
- Children should not arrive at school before 7:45 m., as the yard is unsupervised. The school is not responsible for children in the yard before 7:45 a.m. or after 2:45 p.m. Students not picked up at either campus by 3:00 will be sent to the Daycare.
- Parents will be responsible for the Daycare fees.
- After 7:45 students should be dropped off directly in the yard (not coming through the front door).
Late Arrival at School/Absences
- It is the parent’s responsibility to get children to school on time.
- Students who arrive at school late must report to the office.
- It is the parent’s responsibility to call the school to notify us of your child’s absence. Please call the school: Senior: (819) 684-6801 Junior: (819) 684-4888 at any time as we have an answering machine. Please also call the Daycare Office Senior: (819) 684-1494 if your child is not attending the Daycare on a particular day.
- We ask that all children be dropped off at the office when arriving late and that the parent does not accompany their child to their classroom.
- If you are dropping off an item for your child, please leave it with the secretary and she will ensure that it is delivered.
Change in Normal Dismissal Procedure
Parents must notify the school in writing if they want their child:
- To be dismissed early.
- To change normal dismissal plans.
- Parents are reminded that messages left after 2:00 p.m. may not be heard until after dismissal.
Bicycles, Scooters & More
- Students coming to school by bicycle, scooter or rollerblades are encouraged to wear a helmet.
- Bicycles must be locked in the bicycle rack.
- The school takes no responsibility for stolen bicycles.
- Students who choose to ride their bicycle to school must have a note if they change their plans and ride the bus.
- Students are not to ride bicycles, scooters or skateboards on school property.
- Scooters, rollerblades, skateboards and toys are left in the owner’s locker at their own risk.
- The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Trading items is not permitted at school.
- We encourage students to leave toys at home.
Sharing of Food
Several children at Lord Aylmer suffer from severe allergies to various food items, and as such, we have established this policy with the WQSB and have reviewed it with the regional health nurse (CISSSO), who supports the policy to reduce the risk of anaphylactic shock.
We also prohibited the sharing of food at the school, as follows:
1. Food cannot be brought to school by parents or students to share with other students. This includes items to distribute, desserts, or store-bought items.
2. Teachers who wish to share food for an educational project (measuring food in a recipe, making food with students for a lesson in cultural diversity, etc.) will have the activity approved by an administrator beforehand.
We want to thank you for your understanding with respect to this policy as sharing of food often has a positive impact both socially and culturally for all of us. However, this policy exists to ensure the safety and security of the children at Lord Aylmer, which is our most important job at the school. If you have any questions about this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the school principal, Eldon Keon.
Homework Policy
- The amount of homework depends upon the grade and the individual
- Homework is usually assigned on an “as needed” basis.
- Homework may include special topic assignments and class projects
- Students who do not finish their work in class may be expected to complete it at home.
- In Kindergarten and Cycle 1 parents are encouraged to read to or listen to their children read every day.
- Children who don’t have any assigned homework are encouraged to spend the equivalent time reading or doing practical math activities.
Approximate homework time per cycle:
- K = 20 minutes per day
- Cycle 1 = 20-30 minutes per day
- Cycle 2 = 30-45 minutes per day
- Cycle 3 = 45-60 minutes per day
Parents should verify that homework is done each night. The parent’s task in homework should diminish to a supervisory role as the child gets older. However, at Cycle 1, the parents are expected to sit down and work with the child. The golden rule for homework is that it should never be the last thing the child does before going to bed! Ensure that there is time for a family activity after homework; therefore, your child has an incentive to finish. Also, please ensure that homework time is without interruption!
Library & Classroom
Books that are assigned to a student must be well taken care of. Parents will be charged for all lost or unreasonably abused books.
Lunchtime Behavior
- Students are to remain at their own desk until dismissed by the supervisor.
- Students are responsible for putting their garbage in the containers.
- To teach the students to be environmentally friendly and cut down on garbage, we ask them to bring a litter less lunch or to take their garbage home (we only have paper recycling facilities).
- Our school is PEANUT AWARE. Absolutely no peanuts or peanut snacks are allowed in school in any classroom. There are other food allergies in other classes, but you will be notified at the beginning of the school year. Please see the peanut-free healthy snacks below.
Peanut-Free Healthy Snacks
Plain Yogurt mixed with fruit – milk puddings – fruit cups (in juice) – fresh fruit – cereal – celery sticks – cheese & crackers – whole grain muffin – half bagel with cheese – whole grain bread – juice boxes – popcorn (for older children) – veggies & dip – sliced meat wrapped around cheese sticks – hard-boiled egg – stuffed mini pitas – mini bagels with cream cheese – cucumber slices – Pea Butter sandwiches (tastes like Peanut Butter)
Going Home For Lunch
- Students who go home for lunch each day must bring a note to this effect at the beginning of the school year.
- Students who go home for lunch on an occasional basis must bring a note to their homeroom teacher each time.
- Students will not be permitted to go to a restaurant except when accompanied by an adult.