This code of conduct was developed with members of the school staff and has been approved by members of the Lord Aylmer School Governing Board. It is founded on mutual respect, fairness and the belief that our school is a place where everyone has a right to learn, play and work in a safe and positive environment. The goal of this document is to provide a clear set of expectations for students and parents / guardians as well as interventions that may be applied by members of staff to correct behaviour. When applying measures outlined in the document, members of staff will weigh the information at their disposal and apply interventions in a fair and equitable manner. It will be done in a way that best responds to the situation according to the details of the incident. In analysing the situation, the school team will investigate possible factors (eg.: special needs or other). The principal reserves the right to apply additional measures depending on the nature of the incident. The very high expectations for appropriate behaviour at Lord Aylmer School extends beyond the school’s premises and its daily schedule. It applies on the bus to and from school as well as for extra-curricular activities taking place during or outside of the school day, whether on or off school grounds. In behaviours that involve victims, the latter will receive support (counselling, restorative practice, etc.).
WQSB Online Learning Expectations for Students and Parents >